And "no" I am not joking. The governor of California has temporarily "banned" singing in churches for the health and well-being of its citizens.
Shouting and chanting with a few thousand people in mass protest against "who knows what" without masks and shoulder to shoulder is commendable, but Aunt Millie who is 90 and asthmatic, singing "How Great Thou Art" is to be considered a criminal and a threat to the well-being of society because she can't wear a mask.
I get the health concerns but spiritual health is just as important and singing is a major part of our worship. I don't know the governor of California but it makes me wonder if he even understands what worship of God is all about. Singing is vitally important to us as followers of Jesus, and at some point, God's people are going to start graciously saying, "No" to these over-reaching requests that limit our freedom to worship.
Ever since we reopened we understood that the most difficult part of our worship service would be the "singing." Apparently our spit can travel at the speed of light and beyond twelve pews depending on how wet one's whistle is. Therefore, if at all possible, try and wear a mask when singing or make sure you're out of spit casting distance.
I can't sing and wear a mask. I get overheated. It affects my vocal chords. And after prolong use, makes it difficult for me to mentally form sentences that are coherent. And since I have to preach three times on a Sunday morning my options are not to sing, to sing in the front row off to the side where the stain glass window shields me from casting the potential virus (although I'm not sick...or at least I don't think I am...maybe I've been sick for the last four months and haven't known it; scary thought), or lastly, to hum.
I have searched the scriptures in earnest to see where it might say, "Let us hum to the Lord" or "Hum a new song to the Lord." But then again humming a melody is not the same as singing a word or a phrase to God.
Singing is more than words set over musical melody. Singing is an offering of praise. Singing is a form of prayer. Singing is a public proclamation of who God is and our response to what He has done for us through His Son, Jesus. It's hard to do that by just humming. You end up sounding like a bunch of bees (no offense to bees).
I've honestly asked the question, "If I was a lay person and was told that I could not sing in church, would I actually come?" Hey, I can watch PD on Sunday morning in my PJ's with a hot cup of coffee and hot out-of-the oven cinnamon rolls slathered in frosting and butter in my favorite recliner. Why would I come and see the same thing from a distant pew when I can cast the old preacher up on my HD screen and see him close and personal? And...I can sing along to those old hymns without a mask and cover the place with droplets. Why make the effort? It's a real issue and its a real problem for the community of Christ.
The church is called an "assembly" for a reason. When we come together, when we are assembled, we become something greater than ourselves. Individual bricks are individual bricks but arrange them into a pattern and you have a beautiful wall or a beautiful walkway. Singing allows us to blend our voices. It brings a beautiful sound to the heavens that is pleasing to God as the Body of Christ. It is a way of worship that He desires and that He demands.
So in regards to banning singing in houses of worship, I say we call it a weekly riot protesting against sin and wickedness and let it rip (masks if possible).What say ye?
Hmmmm....or should I say, "Hum."
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