He would leave his home for Boston, Mass. and his uncle's shoe store where he would find his talent as a salesman. He would also be led to a saving knowledge of Jesus by a faithful Sunday school teacher in the back of that store.
Not long after, he felt limited and so left for the great city of Chicago. It was great in opportunity but horrid in corruption and morally bankrupt in character. He would write to his mother and describe the almost unbearable unChristian environment. But the smallest light is able to dispel the greatest darkness.
He would start with showing the love of God to children of the street. At one point he had over 1500 children in his Sunday school program. He would teach them to read and write using the Bible and make sure that each child knew they were loved by God.
He would become the head of the Young Men's Christian Association and head up an organization to minister to Confederate captured prisoners. You would think that he would be pleased with all his accomplishments but instead he was tired and missing something.
Two small old church ladies would sit in the front pew of his church on Illinois Street and pray through the whole service. One day he asked them what they were praying for. They said, "We are praying for you." Mr. Moody replied, "Why don't you pray for the people." They said, "We are praying that you will be empowered by the Holy Spirit." He said, "I thought I had the power of the Holy Spirit." After all, he had the largest church in Chicago and an incredible influence in the city. But he knew something was missing. He had the Spirit [the water] but he was tired in spirit. He had been carrying the Holy Spirit instead of the Living Water carrying him.
And so God helped him with his desire. He sent the Chicago fire and burned up everything that he had and owned. The house, the possessions, the church, the businesses that supported him -- all gone. He left for New York and as he walked on the city streets his attention was on one thing: the filling, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Then one day on those city streets God revealed himself to his heart in such a way that he could not contain it. His love was so strong that it overwhelmed him. Moody says that it was so overwhelming that he had to ask God to stop. The spiritual container was overflowing and could not contain any more.
Moody said that his sermons were not any different; he did not present any new truths, but hundreds were converted. It was after this that his soul was set on fire and God would use him in great ways in Great Britain and again back in the United States.
My point is not to enter into a debate on what the filling of the Spirit means [some calling it the baptism of the Holy Spirit] but to address the fact that many, including myself, need to recognize good hearts with tired spirits from carrying the water. It was never God's intention for us to carry the water but that the water should carry us.
This means that I need to put down the water buckets and get in the boat. It means that I need to put away my own agenda and desires and let God move me and carry me to the various divine destinations that he has for me.
Are you tired in the Lord service? Perhaps your just doing too much and need to scale back. But perhaps you're doing the right things but in your own strength. Leave the buckets for the servants. The boat is for the sons and daughters of God.
Great post, Pastor Dan! It made me think of the song, "Rushing Wind" by Keith Green :). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqhS17wt_pE