"We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway
And I wonder if I'm really with you now
Or just chasin' after some finer day."
I can name that tune in...? Come on you know this. I'm humming it right now. Well... you have to be over 50 to remember it. Okay...here's the chorus.
"Anticipation, anticipa...a...tion
Is makin' me late
Is keepin' me wa...a...a....a...aitin." (I tried to spell out the vocalization; hope you were all singing along.)

I feel like this is my theme word - "Anticipation." Anticipating when some sort of normalcy will infect my world again. Anticipating God doing new things during this pandemic. Anticipating new opportunities or new open doors for ministry. Anticipating new visitors at church. Anticipating old family and friends who have been gone for the last 4 months returning again. Anticipating being mask-free. Anticipating restaurants at full capacity again. Anticipating the presidential elections. Anticipating another "free" check from the government (and a substantial raise in my taxes to pay for all this "free" stuff). Anticipating....anticipating the coming of Jesus in the clouds for His Church, His Bride. Maranatha! Whew -Hoo...a tree of life.
But until then, I am trying not to become sick. Not with the Covid, but with despair. Hope deferred. Longing unfulfilled.
So until then, we need to stay positive. Think about the good things. Encourage one another. Help each other out when we get frustrated.
It's because your smacking the bottom. You have to gently hit the neck where the label is. Or just use your knife, for goodness sake.
Anticipation...its keepin' me wa...a...a....a...aitin'.
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