Taken for Granted
Today I would like to offer another Lenten thought on loving God from an old saint - Blosius the Venerable (1566 c.).
"Oh, when shall I perfectly die to myself and be free from all creatures? Oh, would that I were truly meek of heart and humble; truly poor and naked in spirit. Grant, O Lord, that by perfect self-denial, perfect mortification of my vices I may arrive at perfect love of you. You have commanded that I should love you; give what you command and command what you please. Grant that I may love you with my whole mind, with all my powers, with my whole soul. Deign to heal and to reform the powers of my soul, broken and corrupted by sin, by the powers of your most holy soul. Free my soul from all distracting cares; strip from it the images and forms of perishable things. Grant me to dwell with you in the sanctuary of my soul; grant that by steadfast thought, clear knowledge, and fervent love I may always be able to flow into you."
By way of comment, I am reminded of how much I am dependent on God for transformation. I cannot love Him, truly and faithfully love Him, unless he enables me to love. May his "granting" be abundant in our lives at this time of year so that we may reflect His glory and proclaim his praise.
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