Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wedding Vows

 "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable..." (Philippians 4:8)

Thirty-eight years ago I said I would love and cherish and a bunch of other things that I quite frankly can't remember...something about handing over my paycheck and saying, "yes, dear": My wedding vows. 

I think every couple should write them out and post them on the frig or someplace visibly near the television, computer, or cell phone as a daily reminder of the covenant commitment they made .  

I was also thinking that it would have been nice to actually go through my vows with the pastor to figure out what exactly I was getting myself into. There might have been a period of negotiation that I missed. I'm sure Deb would have made some revisions herself. Some equitable third class conditional clauses, "If you do this...I'll do this." But then those types of clauses do not lead to a healthy partnership - just a way out. 

One of those mysterious vow words is, "Honor." "I promise to honor you." I want to be an honorable man when it comes to marriage. The problem is that it is not a word that we use very often. 

I just met a delightful lady in our church whose husband was "The Honorable..." He was a longstanding judge in the area. Our custodian's son is just about ready to receive his "honorable" discharge from the military. When I was searching for an electrician and a plumber to work on my house I had a number of people tell me about some "honorable" businesses in town. 

I went to Wikipedia for a concise definition but it was anything but concise and clearly written by a Ph.D candidate. It is basically something or someone of societal worth and respect. But in the context of Paul's writing to the Philippian Church it means something/someone that is "morally good," something/someone that is "dignified" or "elevated above something/someone else."  

What things, what people did Paul have in mind when he encouraged the church to "think on these things"? And, in the immediate context of the is this going to help me with life anxiety?  

Maybe it is a senior saint who is living a life of love for God and others in spite of their physical limitations. 

Maybe it is a young adult who is standing up for Christian values at their secular job. 

Maybe it is a neighbor who kept his promise when others did not return the favor. 

Maybe its a teacher who says the kids are worth the risk. 

Maybe its a soldier who gave his prime years to keeping us free or the wife and kids who sacrificed while he was away. 

Maybe it is a church leader who models Christ-like love in difficult times. 

Maybe it is the person who returned the wallet when they could have kept the cash. 

Maybe its the contractor who kept his price even when the supply costs went up. 

Maybe the world is not such an evil place. 

Maybe there is something good, something noble, something inspiring in this world to think on after all. 

Turn the negative stuff off, tune it out.

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable...think on these things." 

"Yes, dear." 

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