Given the attacks by ISIS in Paris and now the attacks in San Bernardino, I have had brothers and sisters in Christ tell me that there is a sense of fear creeping into heir hearts. Psalm 4 is an answer to that terror.

It is also the reason that our fear should turn into a deep sadness that reflects the heart of God. This verse does not say, "How long, O LORD..." as if man is looking up at the heavens and saying, "When is enough enough?" This verse reflects the heart of God and the heart of the prophet, David. God is looking down at us, at humanity, and saying, "When is enough enough?" "When will my creation stop exchanging my glory for the glory of another?"
Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" This is a question and at the same time a comment on the social predicament of the psalmist. It seems like the nightly news is filled with murders, terrorism, political corruption, racial demonstrations, the plight of the refugee, and a whole host of other things that demonstrate humanities inhumanity.
David says, "I have an answer to the question!" It is found in the God who in his very being is Good. The God who is Light will reveal the false beliefs. The God who is Light will illuminate the darkness of our world and reveal the dangers. The God of Light will be our night light, our security light. Because of this we will lie down and sleep in heavenly peace. Will you come to Him?
So when your heart begins to fear, realize that you are in a war. And war is dangerous and scary. Most of us have never had to encounter this on the shores of this blessed land. For millions of others, they know that terror is a normal tactic of the enemy.
When your heart begins to fear know and understand that the war has already been won by your strong and mighty God.
When your heart begins to fear turn it into a divine sadness, a grieving heart for those who have been misled and deceived.
How long, O men...will you exchange the glory of God for a lie?
Come...holy night, silent night...and sleep in heavenly peace.